Roxy chose me and she turned out to be exactly what I needed. You were my world, my heart and the other half of my soul.

 Roxy unexpectedly chose me on July 20th 2015, the day of my Grandmother's funeral. The family went visiting PetSmart to adopt a companion for my Brother's first rescue. I had been considering finding a companion for my first rescue but I wasn't actively seeking a kitty to adopt. Roxy kept reaching for me so I took her out of her cage and asked my Brother to consider her but something told me she would need a lot of attention and not be a match for his kitty at home so I placed her back in her cage and she continued reaching for me. It broke my heart to leave her behind but I had a young rescue at home and 2 other senior kitties as well. Roxy haunted me for the next few days until I couldn't take it anymore and returned to adopt her on July 23rd 2015. I didn't know her history and it turned out she was clearly abused, feral and had medical issues that needed surgery to correct. She was wildly aggressive and vicious randomly for 3 and a half years until her medical issues were discovered and she had surgery to resolve it. It was rough many a time with her and she required a lot of time, patience and attention. She was my little living, breathing miracle. She was the best decision I EVER made in my life. No words will EVER express how much I love you and miss you my girl. You were my MOST favorite and FOREVER my baby you will be my sweet girl. You suffered SO much in your short 11 years on this earth, it's beyond ANY and ALL words but now you are free of pain. Baby's waiting for you my girl. What a blessing you have been, my greatest teacher in this life and my saving grace. I hope you feel I was the best Mommy you could have gotten because you were the best baby I've ever had. One in a billion, never, EVER be another you my Roo Roo Bear. My world was never the same after I first held you and my world will never be the same after I last held you. YOU WERE THE ONCE IN A LIFETIME FOR ME 💯💔. I love you, I miss you and I remember you with every breath I take. And no matter what Grandma says she NEVER loved you like I did and you also weren't "just a cat" you were my world, my heart and the other half of my soul.

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